Monday, November 12, 2012


Pinned Image
{from chubby to hottie}
this is the best thing ever.

Friday, October 26, 2012

it's been a while...

so i thought i'd share something totally pointless.


♥, ginny

Thursday, September 20, 2012

happy birthday hermione!

{hbd hermione jean granger!!}

yesterday was hermione's birthday!  i love her and she's just so great.  without her, the series would be a total bust.  she makes our live interesting.  but anyways...

to celebrate yesterday, i printed "happy birthday hermione!" on a piece of paper in hp font, typed the date on it, put 2 hermione collages on it, printed it out, and brought it to school.  then i taped it onto hermione {from this blog}'s back!  haha.  it was great.  i love birthdays.

♥, ginny

Monday, August 20, 2012

hp font!!!

ok, peeps!  so, a while ago, i found this harry potter font on!  and it's great!  it's called harry p.

and don't worry guys, is totally trustworthy.  i've been using it for a few weeks now and nothings happened and... i've looked it up and nobody's had any problems.

so, i hope you like the font!  enjoy!  and maybe plan an hp party with it!  that's what i want to do!!  :D

♥, ginny

Monday, August 6, 2012



Sunday, August 5, 2012

olympic opening ceremonies

ok, this is a bit late, but....  let's just take a moment and realize how great the london 2012 olympics opening ceremony was.  {well, at least the harry potter part, because, you know, this is a harry potter blog...}

ok, so, i pretty much almost cried when jk rowling appeared on the screen on the tv.  it. was. great.

and then voldemort?  he was pretty creepy, i'm not gonna lie, but, i mean, he's voldemort!!  how could he not be creepy?!

that's it.  this is the greatness of having the olympics in london.  {ok... that and that london [and great britain in general] is just awesome!!}  ♥

welp, love ya all!


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

happy birthday 'arry!

{*SPOILER ALERT* from the 2nd book}

well, as you know, today is july 31, and do you know what that is?!  harry's birthday!

the boy who lived.  he's the center of the story.  and he's just great.  personally, one of my favorite things about harry is that he's a hero.  {well, duh....}  i mean.  oh my goodness.  i almost died of happiness when he saved me from the chamber of secrets.  {lol.}  

but, anyways...  what are your favorite qualities of harry?  tell us in the comments!


p.s.  see more on harry's b-day here.

Monday, July 30, 2012

happy birthday joanne rowling!!

i know this post is a bit late.  {i don't even think it's the same day in england, anymore,}  but, today is jk rowling's birthday.  the women who created harry potter and made all of this happen.  i love her she is so creative.  i don't know how she thinks of some of those spells.  i mean "wingardium leviosa..."  seriously?!?!  she is the creative person i always wanted to be.  and she's smart.  i promise you, you end up finding out some random factoids about owls or something and realize that it fits in with hp.  or you look up names, to see what they mean and it totally fits.  like felix means "lucky."  seriously?  i would just put random names on everything and just hope it made sense to others.  haha.  this is why i'll never be an author.  welp, i just wanted to say that i'm so thankful for jo rowling and i'm glad she is so creative!  {so, that she could create the hp series.

♥, ginny

Here are a few pictures we promised!

I got this for my birthday! How great is this?!
Don't you just love Luna! This is our version of quidditch at home! (she is catching the golden snitch)

Honeyduke's! AH! So good!

Failed Jumping picture!

Three Broomsticks! Butterbeer and pumpin juice and Diet Coke heaven!

Awkward Conducter! Don't reccomend being his BFF. Yes, that would be me laughing my head off because Luna wouldn't stand by him anymore! Ah! My skin matches my white t-shirt. So sad. Someone (hermione) needs a tan!

I got a little teary-eyed when I saw this place!

Jolly good vacation! Thank you universal Studios(and mom) for that great creation! Loves,

Friday, July 20, 2012

More about our adventure in the happiest place on earth (or at least we think)!

So alongside with the awkward conducter, we encountered a great moment in the Three Broomsticks! Luna and I were so prepared to order all this wizard food and lets just say that someone in our party forgot to read the books! We love them and we still laugh at this conversation today!
Hermione and Luna: "ok, we will have 2 pancake meals and Butterbeer and Pumpkin Juice" (guys, we even used an accent)
Other friend: " I will have a Diet Coke and eggs"
Three Broomsticks worker: I am so sorry ma'am we do not serve soda in the Wizarding World".

It was great. That was one of the highlights of our day. Great times. Pictures to come inspired by this memory!

Harry Potter Legos

They are just so cute! The best part is
they never talk. Years 1-4 are so fun
and I am sure 5-7 are too. 

Hogwarts Express Conductor

Earlier this summer Hermione and I had the chance to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. While trying to take a picture next to the Hogwarts Express, the Conductor stoped me and asked how old I was. I replied saying my age. He then said,"So you'll be in your second year?" I answered yes. He then went into this ten minute lecture of how I should be up at Howarts( I was wearing Hogwarts robes) Half way through Hermione tried to stop him so we could take a picture, But he replied," No, I'm not done yet." So I continued to smile shyly and probably blushing. Finally he said, "Your doing a muggle studies project aren't you?" I said yes. Hermione then saved me by saying,"Its ok I'm a third year and I'll make sure she goes back to the castle when she's done with her project." So we took a picture with him then moved onto Honeydukes. Expect more about our adventure in a few days.
             Love, Luna  

Monday, July 16, 2012

Not quite obsessed yet?

So lately i've had this problem. So many people just don't fancy Harry Potter. Whether it is the book size, the content, or just plain busyness you can still love it (or even have respect for it if you please)! Before I even started the books I doubted Harry Potter. Crazy, right?! Don't let that happen to you!  Here are a few tips to starting your Harry Potter Journey!!!

1. Find time to read (summer is always great while just tanning on the beach or taking long car rides) Start off with just the first book

Then go to the second

Then the third

Then the fourth

Then the fifth

then the sixth
And the last!

Just a few basics! Next thing to do to be obsessed! You can have a Harry Potter Party! A few years ago, one of my good friends Liz at had a Harry Potter party before I even read it and i was obsessed! She had a Halloween witch had for the sorting hat and we got sorted(well we pulled one of the four houses out of a bowl)! It was by far one of the best parties I have ever been too! We drank cream soda for butterbeer and we got to go make edible yummy potions with gummy worms and such! :) The invitation was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen in my life! They looked exactly like the Hogwart's letter! We even had a ticket to aboard the Hogwarts Express! So fun! Great way to get into the spirit!

Just a few tips!
1. never ever let the movies ruin it for you! The movies are almost not like the books! The movies are great! I saw the sixth movie and that day I decided that I would read Harry Potter! I am just saying that don't have your mind set that you don't want to read the books because you dont like the movie!
2. You may have to push your self through 1-3. They are great but the books get way better after them! Don't let them stop you!
Hopefully this will help you get to reading!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

pottermore: part of the chamber of secrets is out!

ok everyone!  the wait is over and the chamber of secrets is out!  well, most of it anyway,  we have to wait for the "second installment" to finish it, but at least now, you can start!  go have fun and learn more about hp!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

{POST BACK} Pottermore House Cup!

so... for all of you who do not know who won this year's house cup, it was slytherin!  2nd was gryffindor, 3rd was ravenclaw, and last, but not least, hufflepuff was 4th {i love you puffs!}  well... congrats to the serpents!!!

♥, ginny

Thursday, June 28, 2012

favorite characters

fav hp character?   mine is ginny.  and neville.  and i'm not just saying ginny because i am her.  {hehe.

who is your favorite harry potter character?

♥, ginny 

Harry Potter Fashion Moment!

I can't believe there is such thing as this sassy necklace! And the best part is, it is totally Harry Potter!:)
Who doesn't like Quidditch, time-tellin', Harry Potter necklaces?!

*You can find this on Amazon or Ebay*

Friday, June 22, 2012

pottermore house cup!

the pottermore house cup will be on july 5, 2012!  so excited to know who wins!  {even though you pretty much can tell from the great hall.} 

 well, see ya!

♥, ginny!

p.s. if you don't have a pottermore..., you should make one here.

Friday, June 15, 2012

hp kinect!

a few months ago, warner brothers announced a harry potter game for xbox 360 kinect!  i am so psyched!  you get to become one at hogwarts, join the trio on their journeys, cast spells, and it looks like you can even play quidditch!  here is the video. 

i cannot wait!

♥, Ginny

Sunday, June 3, 2012

hp fun facts.

some of these you may already know, but i didn't know a lot of these.

i love these.
{via pinterest... harry potter!!!}

Saturday, May 19, 2012

post back to. *Keep Calm and...*

*to know what i am posting back on...  click here... this was a great post and definitely sparked some web searchin' in me...*

these are also great ones...

Pinned Image

Pinned Image

and any hp shirt from this website...

Hermione: Try Not To Get Killed, Or Worse, Expelled

Hermione: When in doubt, go to the library
Hagrid: What's Comin' Will Come and We'll Meet it When it Does

Harry: Tell Him Your Nickname is Roonil Wazlib

Ron: Next Time There's A Ball, Ask Her Before Someone Else Does...

Tonks: Wotcher, Harry
Ron: Why Couldn't it be Follow the Butterflies?!
if you could not read this, it says" why couldn't it be follow the butterflies?!"
Harry: Oi! There's A War Going On Here!
{haha!  i know this is your favorite jill}

Ron: Do Not Let The Quaffle In
"weasley is our king"
Luna: Oh Look, A Blibbering Humdinger

McGonagall: Have A Biscuit, Potter

Harry: Be The Chosen One

Hermione: Marry Ron

there were a few other shirts, but they had some language issues...  be ware!

♥, Ginny

Keep Calm and...

Do you ever wake up and think
Or sit at the computer and

Or even...
Story of my life. Keep being calm!!!:)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

That Awkward moment...

When the Harry Potter enemies become BFFL's (Best Friends for Life)

Saturday, April 14, 2012


so... update on pottermore.  it is SO cool!  i love it!  i've finally got my wand and house so...  this is what i got:

my wand core is unicorn hair, made of hawthorn wood; it is 10 3/4 inches and the flexibility is slightly yeildeing.

now... for my sorting results.  surprisingly enough, i am in ravenclaw.  honestly, i though i would be in hufflepuff, BUT i'm not and i am perfectly happy with being in the house of fellow ravenclaw, luna lovegood!  don't get me wrong, i am ecstatic to be in ravenclaw. i'm SO HAPPY!

♥, Ginny

p.s. anyone on pottermore, feel free to be my friend; my username is what the title is. (just FYI, i did not make up my own username, it has options for you.)


i just went casually to pottermore, thinking "it's not going to be open today,"  but then i saw it.....  it's open!!!!!  holy hippogriffs!  aaahhhhh!  well go to pottermore and sign up now!  before they get busy!  go! now!


♥, Ginny

Sunday, April 8, 2012

happy easter!!!! ♥

wishing everyone out there a happy easter!!!!!

♥,  Ginny

p.s. it's early april, can't wait for pottermore to open!!!!  yessssssssss!

Thursday, March 29, 2012


yes. yes, yes, yes, YES!

yes!  welp, i officially love this guy



hermione.  well totally thought of someone *cough* at viktor krum
this one's for you, kallee.  haha.
Never thought about that... yeah, that's awkward, just a good thing he was a rat at the time...
ok, so totally awkward to think about, but actually pretty darn true when you think about it, oh... scabbers!

hahahahaha.  that's great.
You know it!
sorry to add some hunger games into this, but come on, this is seriously my patronus! i called it!

these are some pics i found via google and via pinterest!  love them!