Sunday, August 5, 2012

olympic opening ceremonies

ok, this is a bit late, but....  let's just take a moment and realize how great the london 2012 olympics opening ceremony was.  {well, at least the harry potter part, because, you know, this is a harry potter blog...}

ok, so, i pretty much almost cried when jk rowling appeared on the screen on the tv.  it. was. great.

and then voldemort?  he was pretty creepy, i'm not gonna lie, but, i mean, he's voldemort!!  how could he not be creepy?!

that's it.  this is the greatness of having the olympics in london.  {ok... that and that london [and great britain in general] is just awesome!!}  ♥

welp, love ya all!



  1. Sweet! I really wanted to see it!

    1. it was great. youtube it if you want. i'm sure at least one person put it on there!!

      ♥, sarah
      the life of a redhead

  2. i know, right. that was pretty great. it was kind of creepy how there were like 100s of her though. lol.

    ♥, sarah
    the life of a redhead
