Thursday, June 28, 2012

favorite characters

fav hp character?   mine is ginny.  and neville.  and i'm not just saying ginny because i am her.  {hehe.

who is your favorite harry potter character?

♥, ginny 

Harry Potter Fashion Moment!

I can't believe there is such thing as this sassy necklace! And the best part is, it is totally Harry Potter!:)
Who doesn't like Quidditch, time-tellin', Harry Potter necklaces?!

*You can find this on Amazon or Ebay*

Friday, June 22, 2012

pottermore house cup!

the pottermore house cup will be on july 5, 2012!  so excited to know who wins!  {even though you pretty much can tell from the great hall.} 

 well, see ya!

♥, ginny!

p.s. if you don't have a pottermore..., you should make one here.

Friday, June 15, 2012

hp kinect!

a few months ago, warner brothers announced a harry potter game for xbox 360 kinect!  i am so psyched!  you get to become one at hogwarts, join the trio on their journeys, cast spells, and it looks like you can even play quidditch!  here is the video. 

i cannot wait!

♥, Ginny

Sunday, June 3, 2012

hp fun facts.

some of these you may already know, but i didn't know a lot of these.

i love these.
{via pinterest... harry potter!!!}