Saturday, May 19, 2012

post back to. *Keep Calm and...*

*to know what i am posting back on...  click here... this was a great post and definitely sparked some web searchin' in me...*

these are also great ones...

Pinned Image

Pinned Image

and any hp shirt from this website...

Hermione: Try Not To Get Killed, Or Worse, Expelled

Hermione: When in doubt, go to the library
Hagrid: What's Comin' Will Come and We'll Meet it When it Does

Harry: Tell Him Your Nickname is Roonil Wazlib

Ron: Next Time There's A Ball, Ask Her Before Someone Else Does...

Tonks: Wotcher, Harry
Ron: Why Couldn't it be Follow the Butterflies?!
if you could not read this, it says" why couldn't it be follow the butterflies?!"
Harry: Oi! There's A War Going On Here!
{haha!  i know this is your favorite jill}

Ron: Do Not Let The Quaffle In
"weasley is our king"
Luna: Oh Look, A Blibbering Humdinger

McGonagall: Have A Biscuit, Potter

Harry: Be The Chosen One

Hermione: Marry Ron

there were a few other shirts, but they had some language issues...  be ware!

♥, Ginny

Keep Calm and...

Do you ever wake up and think
Or sit at the computer and

Or even...
Story of my life. Keep being calm!!!:)