Friday, July 20, 2012

More about our adventure in the happiest place on earth (or at least we think)!

So alongside with the awkward conducter, we encountered a great moment in the Three Broomsticks! Luna and I were so prepared to order all this wizard food and lets just say that someone in our party forgot to read the books! We love them and we still laugh at this conversation today!
Hermione and Luna: "ok, we will have 2 pancake meals and Butterbeer and Pumpkin Juice" (guys, we even used an accent)
Other friend: " I will have a Diet Coke and eggs"
Three Broomsticks worker: I am so sorry ma'am we do not serve soda in the Wizarding World".

It was great. That was one of the highlights of our day. Great times. Pictures to come inspired by this memory!

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