Monday, July 30, 2012

happy birthday joanne rowling!!

i know this post is a bit late.  {i don't even think it's the same day in england, anymore,}  but, today is jk rowling's birthday.  the women who created harry potter and made all of this happen.  i love her she is so creative.  i don't know how she thinks of some of those spells.  i mean "wingardium leviosa..."  seriously?!?!  she is the creative person i always wanted to be.  and she's smart.  i promise you, you end up finding out some random factoids about owls or something and realize that it fits in with hp.  or you look up names, to see what they mean and it totally fits.  like felix means "lucky."  seriously?  i would just put random names on everything and just hope it made sense to others.  haha.  this is why i'll never be an author.  welp, i just wanted to say that i'm so thankful for jo rowling and i'm glad she is so creative!  {so, that she could create the hp series.

♥, ginny